Lazer Lemon Zoanthids H12

WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get. You will receive the exact coral in the photo.

Zoanthid Polyps

Lighting:  Medium

Waterflow: Medium

Placement:  Bottom to Top

Ideal Conditions:  75-79 F, Alkalinity 8-12, Calcium 400-440, Salinity 1.022-1.028.

Supplements:  Two-Part, Magnesium, Trace Elements, Iodine, Coral Food.

Colorful, vibrant, hardy, fast growing coral. Can be placed next to neighboring Zoanthid polyps. Iodine dosing will support Zoanthid growth and color as well as feedings of small to medium micron foods.

Availability: In stock


In terms of care, both Zoanthids and Palythoa are fairly easy to keep. They tolerate a wide range of lighting intensities and water conditions. Once settled in, zoas multiply quickly. Zoanthids are unique due to how they incorporate sand and other small pieces of material into their tissue to help create their structure. They are popular among reef aquarium hobbyists due to their stunning colors, interesting textures, and hardy nature. With a wide variety of colors, there's a Zoanthid for every type of reef tank.

In the wild, Zoanthids often occupy fringe environments (intertidal, back reef, other shallow areas, over dead corals).

Care and Feeding: Zoanthid corals are hardy and relatively easy to care for. Here are some tips for keeping them healthy in your saltwater aquarium:

  • Lighting: Zoanthid corals can tolerate a wide range of light intensities, but they do best in low to moderate light. Direct, intense light can damage or bleach the coral.

  • Water flow: These corals prefer low to moderate water flow, which helps to bring nutrients and remove waste. Be sure to have enough water flow to not allow settlement on the Zoanthid.

  • Feeding: Zoanthid corals are photosynthetic, but they will also benefit from being fed small amounts of food, such as phytoplankton or other micro-plankton.

Tips for Thriving:

  • If the aquarium is too clean where nitrates and phosphates are at zero, Zoanthid corals can do poorly.

  • Low Iodine levels can disturb Zoanthid corals. Be sure to test Iodine before dosing.

In conclusion, if you're looking for a low-maintenance, beautiful, and versatile addition to your reef tank, consider Zoanthids. With their hardy nature and stunning colors, these corals are sure to become a standout feature in your tank.