It was exciting to build this one! If you've been to Nemo's Reef you know this has been patiently waiting in the shop to be delivered and installed. And it delivered! The home was on a delay due to COVID and after a two year wait we finally got to install.........
We are back with another build video! This is a 600 gallon full blown reef tank that we installed for our good friend Vin. This aquarium is set in the wall with the viewing window from the Home Office. There is.........
A sump gives you greater control over your reef or fish-only display tank. The benefits far exceed the risks, and thus most successful aquariums you'll see utilize a sump. Some even incorporate a refugium as well. Here are the numerous benefits derived.........
This is a build in the making dating back to May 4th 2021. This would be a back dated chronical of the build progress of this beautiful home and the aquarium that it surrounds. This home was designed around a 1500 Gallon full reef aquarium engineered.........