Hell's River Goniopora FRN

WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get. You will receive the exact coral in the photo.

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Goniopora corals, also known as flowerpot corals, are a type of large-polyp stony (LPS) coral that are prized for their beauty and unique appearance. These corals are a challenging addition to any saltwater aquarium, but with the right care and attention, they can thrive and add a stunning display of color and form to your tank.

Goniopora corals are known for their distinctive, cone-shaped corallites and long, delicate tentacles. They come in a range of colors, including green, yellow, orange, and rainbow, and they often have intricate patterns or stripes. 

Care and Feeding: Goniopora corals are one of the more challenging coral species to care for, but with the right setup and attention, they can thrive. Here are some tips for keeping your goniopora healthy and vibrant:

  • Lighting: Goniopora corals require bright lighting, but they can be sensitive to intense light. Provide a strong, but not overpowering light source, and be sure to keep the coral out of direct, intense light. It is our recommendation to start the goniopora under lower light and acclimate slowly to higher intense light.

  • Water flow: These corals require moderate to high water flow to help bring nutrients and remove waste. Provide a strong, but not turbulent water flow in the tank.

  • Feeding: Goniopora corals can be fed small amounts of food, such as brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, or other meaty foods. They will also benefit from the presence of a strong water flow, which will bring food to their tentacles. We recommend the Reef Nutrition line as well as Polyp Lab's Reef Roids.

Tips for Thriving:

  • Acclimating slowly to water conditions as well as lighting is important to the transition of the coral.

  • Give them adequate space: These corals can grow up to 8 inches (20 cm) in diameter, so be sure to give them plenty of space in your tank.

  • Avoid placement near aggressive corals: Goniopora corals are not aggressive, but they can be sensitive to the stinging cells of nearby corals. Avoid placing them near aggressive coral species.

  • They will not do quite as well in a ultra low nutrient system.

In conclusion, goniopora corals are a beautiful addition to any saltwater aquarium. With their distinctive cone-shaped corallites and long, delicate tentacles, they are sure to add a stunning display of color and form to your tank. With the right care and attention, they can thrive and provide years of enjoyment for hobbyists of all experience levels.