Reef Bufferª is intended primarily for use in a reef system where the maintenance of a pH of 8.3 is often difficult.
When used as directed Reef Bufferª will raise the pH of your reef system to 8.3 without fear of accidentally overshooting the pH to a dangerous level.
Reef Bufferª will also raise carbonate alkalinity.
Reef Bufferª is a blended product and is not just sodium carbonate.
Reef Builderª should be used to raise alkalinity when pH is not a problem.
Use Seachem's MultiTest: Marine pH & Alkalinityª to check pH and total alkalinity.
DIRECTIONS: Check pH and alkalinity before use. Use 1 level measure (included) for every 8L (2 gallons) to raise pH by about 0.1 pH units (this will also raise alkalinity by about 0.5 meq/L). Dissolve in at least a quarter cup of freshwater, then add to the tank. The pH of natural sea water is 8.25-8.30. Dosing requirements will vary, but do not exceed the recommended dose without checking your pH and alkalinity (alkalinity should not exceed 6 meq/L). If an alkalinity of 6 meq/L has been reached and a pH of at least 8.20 has not been attained or substantial cloudiness that does not clear within 15 minutes is encountered, then the system is not ionically balanced. To restore ionic balance perform a water change or adjust the magnesium and calcium levels to approximately 3:1 Mg:Ca. DO NOT OVERDOSE: Excess alkalinity may enhance the loss of calcium, magnesium, and strontium. Do not directly mix with any calcium, magnesium, or strontium supplement.