Seachem - Discus Buffer

Royal ID: ASM264

UPC: 000116026406

Vendor: Seachem

Discus BufferȘ helps to replicate the ideal Discus environment (low pH & low GH (General Hardness)). Discus BufferȘ will lower pH and keep it lowered. Discus BufferȘ also softens water by precipitating calcium and magnesium. Use Discus TraceȘ to restore the proper level of trace elements required by thriving, healthy Discus.

DIRECTIONS: Use 1 measure to every 4 L (1 gallon*) daily until intended pH is reached. Thereafter, use once or twice a month or with water changes as required to maintain pH. To raise pH, use Neutral RegulatorȘ. To target a particular pH use in combination with Neutral RegulatorȘ following the chart below. In very hard water the softening process may cause cloudiness. In such cases, Acid BufferȘ may be preferable. Use PrimeȘ to dechlorinate tap water. (NeutReg:DiscBuf-pH) (1 : 1-6.8) (1 : 2-6.4) (1 : 3-6.2) (1 : 4-6.1) (1 : 6-6.0) (1 : 9-5.8)