Aquarium: Power Compact Bulbs
Most corals are photosynthetic and approximately 85% of the energy required for their growth and coloration is provided through the symbiotic relationship they share with the zooxanthellae algae which live within the coral. In order to facilitate the development of the zooxanthellae, it is essential to provide not only the right intensity of lighting (approx. 1 w/liter for T5 fluorescents), but to ensure also that the lighting provides the correct color spectrum for corals.
Red Sea's new T5 Reef Lighting range is the result of extensive testing into the needs of corals within a reef aquarium environment. This high quality German-made lighting is proven to provide the intensity and color spectrum required by even the most demanding coral species, commonly known as Small Polyp Stony Corals (SPS). These corals include such species as Acropora, Montiopora and Seriatopora and have far more exacting requirements for lighting than soft corals.
Using a combination of Red Sea's T5 fluorescent tubes will not only create a pleasing, natural, visual effect but will also promote growth and fluorescence without encouraging the development of undesired algae.
The unique spectrum of the REEF-SPEC Pink enhances the red, pink and purple colors of SPS and LPS corals.