Precision Salt Blend for Reef Aquaria. Extensively-researched and tested over a multi-year period, with a formulation based on current understanding of Marine Chemistry and Marine Biology as they pertain to the husbandry of all marine aquaria (e.g. reef, mixed reef, FOWLR, fish-only, mangrove, sea grass, lagoonal, brackish, etc.). Precision-formulated to replicate the natural seawater ratios of every major element, as well as all non-conservative minor and trace elements. Creates a marine environment so chemically-similar to natural seawater in all important respects that aquarium inhabitants are not likely to discern any difference between water prepared with NeoMarine and filtered natural seawater from tropical reef waters. Contains USP- and ACS Reagent-grade ingredients.
134 g per 1 US-gallon (3.785 L) of purified water yields a specific gravity of 1.025 g/cm3, with a pH of 8.30 and alkalinity of 7.5 dKH.