Brightwell Aquatics NeoMarine Salt Mix creates an ideal marine environment for aquarium inhabitants by providing all major elements, all non-conservative (depleted by natural chemical and biological processes) minor and trace elements, and elements known to be utilized in the production of biological pigments (biochromes) in precise natural seawater ratios; all ions are formulated to be present in natural seawater concentrations. Conservative minor and trace elements are not depleted in marine environments, indicating that they are not utilized by marine life or do not take part in chemical reactions in seawater; as such, they are not necessary for the survival of aquarium inhabitants, and are not part of the NeoMarine formulation. NeoMarine is not formulated to have enhanced concentrations of certain elements at the expense of sacrificing others and creating a solution with grossly inaccurate elemental ratios; this formulation is based wholly on current marine science data and extensive testing.